Friday, May 20, 2011


K! So for Christmas I have decided to do this:
I am going to make about 40 of them, one for everyone in my family. I know I'm nuts. Thats why I am getting started now, so I can at least have the last few weeks of December just for Christmas time =). I will post pictures of them as I go.
{I'm kind of thinking of doing the 365 day knit, so think I will do one of these a day and then I have 40 days all done =)}


Finally figured out how to put the damn finger covers on the gloves I made fro my brother. He wanted a specific kind of glove, and then wanted me to put a cover on them to make them hobo gloves, well I'm not that special. I finally found a pattern for them so I can start to finish the cover. Thanks to the lady at mill creek yarn store, I can finally get started.